Water Main Replacement Project

In 2022 the Town of Hebron submitted two FY2023 Water Infrastructure Questionnaires, to apply for funding, to Congressman Frank Mrvan. We have received funds for a water main replacement project in the area North of St Rd 8 (E Sigler St) and East of N Main St know as Snake Flats. The project is to start in 2024. Approximately 250 homes and 650 citizens will benefit from this water main infrastructure project.

Project Description: Replacement of approximately 9,320 feet of water main pipe that is up to 100 years old and has reached the end of its service life. Over the years, these water main pipes have experienced several water main breaks. The current pipes are all undersized. The project also includes the replacement of 27 gate valves, 10 hydrants, and service reconnects. The new water main pipe will increase the reliability of service for the years to come.   

During construction, residents will observe open trench construction, truck traffic, construction noise and daytime lane closures. Temporary water service shutdowns will be required in some areas, and customer notification will be provided.